Package-level declarations


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data class GoogleAuthCredentials(val serverId: String)

Google Auth Credentials holder class.

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Google Auth Provider class

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Provider class for Google Authentication UI part. a.k.a signIn

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data class GoogleUser(val idToken: String, val accessToken: String? = null, val email: String? = null, val displayName: String = "", val profilePicUrl: String? = null, val serverAuthCode: String? = null)

GoogleUser class holds most necessary fields


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fun GoogleButtonUiContainer(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, filterByAuthorizedAccounts: Boolean = false, scopes: List<String> = BASIC_AUTH_SCOPE, onGoogleSignInResult: (GoogleUser?) -> Unit, content: @Composable UiContainerScope.() -> Unit)

GoogleButton Ui Container Composable that handles all sign-in functionality. Make sure you create GoogleAuthUiProvider instance using GoogleAuthProvider.create before invoking below composable function.