Package-level declarations
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interface GoogleButtonMode
Google Sign-In Button mode
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fun GoogleSignInButton(modifier: Modifier = Modifier.height(44.dp), mode: GoogleButtonMode = GoogleButtonMode.Light, text: String = "Sign in with Google", shape: Shape = ButtonDefaults.shape, fontSize: TextUnit = 14.sp, onClick: () -> Unit)
GoogleSignInButton Composable with text that you can use in your #KMP project. This follows Google's design guidelines and can be easily customized to fit into your project.
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fun GoogleSignInButtonIconOnly(modifier: Modifier = Modifier.size(44.dp), mode: GoogleButtonMode = GoogleButtonMode.Light, shape: Shape = ButtonDefaults.shape, onClick: () -> Unit)
GoogleSignInButton Composable icon only. This follows Google's design guidelines and can be easily customized to fit into your project.